I have wondered and marveled the lives of stylists and their assistants.
Well, I thought, why don't I call one of my friends and see if I could be her assistant?
She said: " Yessss !"
Meri Milash is style aficionado; stylist + makeup + hairdresser. Got a super cool own style and generally an awesome person to hang out with.
We headed to shops; Meri had a list of the models sizes, what was the theme and what we needed to get. You need to have plenty of options because you'll never know what you'll need.
Who wouldn't love shopping?
Actually it can be a bit tricky when you're trying to find something very specific, like in this case orange and dark blue pillow covers + cups to match the companys colours.
The customer was Kiinko, a company that offers real estate education- read more here http://www.kiinko.fi/
It's a norm for stylists to have their own selection of clothes but it's impossible to have everything for every size and theme. Hence, the shopping.
Some items you keep for future projects and some you just loan for the shoot.
We found clothes from shops and from Meris archives but for the pillow cases we had to head out to Ikea. You go as far as you have just to get what you need.
On Monday we, the photographer, lightguy, makeup- artist Satu Arvo, client, models, Meri & I met at the Musiikkitalo (Helsinki Music Centre)- read more here https://www.musiikkitalo.fi/fi
Had quarters at a foyer where we spread out our clothes, makeup and some snacks.
Me & Meri checked out what clothes each model would wear and I started steaming the chosen items.
After that I was trusted with an artsy task of taping the shoes soles, so they wouldn't get dirty.
I could have done that on Saturday instead of watching Catfish but you know I work best under pressure.
Shot inside the Musiikkitalo and outside too.
We met at 9 and finished at around 5pm, had an hour lunch at 1pm and coffee flew freely.
Packed up clothes and shoes, different bags for loan clothes and different ones for Meris own ones. With the steamer and ironer, oh yes I forgot I ironed the pillow cases haha, we moved a strong four full Ikea bags force.
The next day I helped Meri to return the loaned clothes, and now I'm left waiting when I'll get to play her assistant again.
Thank you to Meri, who trusted enough in me to take me with, and to the client Kiinko !
All pictures by me.